Evoland v1.2.12 APK
Evoland v1.2.12 APK
Evoland v1.2.12 APK
Evoland is an action - adventure game that takes you on a journey through the history of the classic adventure and RPG games
Evoland v1.2.12 APKEvoland v1.2.12 APK
Evoland play.google.com.evoland12
Evoland is an action - adventure game that takes you on a journey through the history of the classic adventure and RPG gaming.
If you come in the game, you unlock new technologies , gameplay systems and better and better graphics. From black and white to full 3D graphics and turn- based combat to real-time boss fights , Evoland makes your life the evolution of adventure gaming - all with great humor and nods at moments of classic games .
What's in this version : (Updated: February 5, 2015 )
< ul style = " text- align: left ;"> Improved virtual pad controls Added the DPad beginning of the game
Required Android O / S : 2.2
Screenshots :
Evoland v1.2.12 APK
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